Prepare Yourself

I went on a road trip with some friends this weekend. One of them was explaining some of what his religion professor had been teaching this semester. He said something that stood out to me because it's a topic that I've recently been hearing a lot about; preparation to come before the Lord. I've studied in the scriptures how Nephi and other prophets would climb mountains to converse with the Lord (1 Nephi 17). My friend tied it in to why we observe the Word of Wisdom. The physical benefits of the Word of Wisdom are great, live a healthier lifestyle. However, is this really the purpose that God gave us for this commandment? In fast and testimony meeting on Sunday, one of the YSA bore her testimony on this principle of preparation. She brought to light a different way of viewing experiences that Book of Mormon prophets have as they climb the mountain to converse with the Lord. She said that it could be viewed as preparation time, an opportunity to prepare physically and spi...