He's the Mark

Someone told me that the only person you are allowed to compare yourself with is YOU. It is only fair to look at where you are at now compared to where you have come and where you still want to go. In all of this comparison, it's so important to see the progress that you are making, whether it be big or small. No step forward goes unnoticed by our loving Heavenly Father. 
As I've been contemplating my progress on my goals from this week, it's easy to lose track of the good that I do because of what I have fallen short of. On my mission, we would set weekly goals and try so hard to meet them, yet it didn't always happen every week. What I came to realize is that our goals were simply a means of pushing us. Whether we accomplished them or not wasn't as important as how we saw ourselves grow as we would step out of our comfort zones and do things we normally would not have done. I view my personal goals in the similar light: as I do what I can and push myself, whether I reach my goals or not, I'll still be able to see progress.
I was in the temple on Friday night and I was focusing on the relationship that we have with our Savior. He has promised that He will come to us, uplift us, comfort us, atone for us, redeem us, and lead us if we'll allow Him to. Elder Richard J Maynes of the presidency of the seventy said, "If our lives are centered in Jesus Christ, He can successfully mold us into who we need to be in order to return to His and Heavenly Father’s presence in the celestial kingdom. The joy we experience in this life will be in direct proportion to how well our lives are centered on the teachings, example, and atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ." The phrase "centered in Jesus Christ" is what really stands out here to me. I've realized that it isn't simply believing in Christ, but choosing to center all that I do around Him (2 Ne. 32:8-9). Jesus Christ is the mark and that means taking making small, consistent, daily efforts to draw near to Him and to be like Him. As you and I take these steps to become more like the Savior we will truly begin to see Him as He is (Moroni 7:48) and we'll experience lasting joy.

Yay for goals: In sacrament meeting I was prompted that I need to spend time getting to know the girls in my relief society on a more personal level. This week I'm going to focus on stepping outside of myself and look for opportunities to spend time with them. 
IMG_0141.jpgoff to a great start with Juli!!


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